Author: A.M Rehagen

  • World-Building, Character-Development and Research

    World-Building, Character-Development and Research

    RESEARCH is often the go-to solution for many writing problems, but it may not always be clear for many beginners how that works in practice. I’m sharing details of my own writing process in relation to world-building and character development in hopes that it might illuminate. The main POV character in the story I am…

  • What I’ve Been Working On

    What I’ve Been Working On

    Back in September, I completed the second draft of a novel I started revising back in early 2020. This is the first novel draft I’ve ever successfully completed and the first one I’ve ever revised, and it’s been a massive learning process. So I’ve been taking a break and focusing on other uncompleted projects. About…

  • Another short story has been updated.

    Another short story has been updated.

    Read the newly edited (and slightly improved) short story “Into the Wilderness” here. This story was first published in the Spring 2008 issue of the Swampland e-zine, which is a long defunct e-zine that featured interviews with musicians, along with art and writing. The editor of the zine provided writers with dream transcribed by Carl…

  • The Other World

    I’ve edited my short story, “The Other World,” originally published in the English edition of Universe Pathways #2, July 2006. A Greek translation of this story, by Nektarios Chrissos, appeared in the Greek edition. You can read the story here. Only very slight tweaks to the language and improvements to the punctuation. My goal is…

  • Sketches, December 2020

    Apologies for the lengthy absence! I have been busy revising a novel (to be finished by the end of the summer), among other things, and this website has unfortunately fallen by the wayside. I hope to add more old writings soon. In the meantime, I wanted to share some sketches I made back in December.…